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Happy New Year 2012! (Issue 15 — February 2012)

Dear Friends:

new-year-2012Happy New Year 2012!

Welcome to new friends.


  1. Now Published: Let’s Play!
  2. New Name: MyHeartsongMusic
  3. Reminder: Free Songs!

1. Now Published: Let’s Play!

I have compiled twelve of my original piano solos in one book that I call Let’s Play!. These pieces were written over a 13 year period while living in four varied locations, from Michigan to Maui to California. They represent such variety and style as evoked in their titles:

1. Stand Tall
2. Mystery
3. Boogie Boardin’ Boogie
4. Refreshing Rain
5. Friends
6. It’s Party Time
7. A Kiss from Grammie
8. A World of Peace and Beauty
9. Hummingbird Waltz
10. Reflections
11. Just Another Day?
12. Honeymoon Rag

Some are full of energy—Honeymoon Rag, Boogie Boardin’ Boogie. Some are meditative—Mystery, Refreshing Rain. Some represent strength—Stand Tall. Some are just fun—Hummingbird Waltz. Take a moment now to listen to excerpts of each song on Let’s Play! page on my website.

All pieces are within the range of the Intermediate Pianist. Let’s Play! is professionally printed and bound and is available for purchase on my web site for $16.95 plus shipping and handling.

2. New Name: MyHeartsongMusic

My business name is now MyHeartsongMusic and I’ve updated the name of my website accordingly. You may now use to reach my site or continue to use the original name,

3. Reminder: Free Songs!

If you haven’t already downloaded my free MP3 songs, be sure to visit the Free Downloads page!

Thank you for your continuing support and thanks for reading.

Peace and Love,
Ann Marie